{ "(and :count more error)": "(and :count more error)", "(and :count more errors)": "(and :count more error)|(and :count more errors)|(and :count more errors)", "A Timeout Occurred": "A Timeout Occurred", "Accept": "Accept", "Accepted": "Accepted", "Action": "Action", "Actions": "Actions", "Add": "Add", "Add :name": "Add :name", "Admin": "Admin", "Agree": "Agree", "All rights reserved.": "All rights reserved.", "Already Reported": "Already Reported", "Archive": "Archive", "Assign": "Assign", "Associate": "Associate", "Attach": "Attach", "Bad Gateway": "Bad Gateway", "Bad Request": "Bad Request", "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded": "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded", "Browse": "Browse", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Choose": "Choose", "Choose :name": "Choose :name", "Choose File": "Choose File", "Choose Image": "Choose Image", "Click to copy": "Click to copy", "Client Closed Request": "Client Closed Request", "Close": "Close", "Collapse": "Collapse", "Collapse All": "Collapse All", "Comment": "Comment", "Confirm": "Confirm", "Conflict": "Conflict", "Connect": "Connect", "Connection Closed Without Response": "Connection Closed Without Response", "Connection Timed Out": "Connection Timed Out", "Continue": "Continue", "Create": "Create", "Create :name": "Create :name", "Created": "Created", "Delete": "Delete", "Delete :name": "Delete :name", "Detach": "Detach", "Details": "Details", "Disable": "Disable", "Discard": "Discard", "Done": "Done", "Down": "Down", "Duplicate": "Duplicate", "Duplicate :name": "Duplicate :name", "Edit": "Edit", "Edit :name": "Edit :name", "Enable": "Enable", "errors": "errors", "Expand": "Expand", "Expand All": "Expand All", "Expectation Failed": "Expectation Failed", "Explanation": "Explanation", "Export": "Export", "Failed Dependency": "Failed Dependency", "File": "File", "Files": "Files", "Forbidden": "Forbidden", "Found": "Found", "Gateway Timeout": "Gateway Timeout", "Go Home": "Go Home", "Go to page :page": "Go to page :page", "Gone": "Gone", "Hello!": "Hello!", "Hide": "Hide", "Hide :name": "Hide :name", "Home": "Home", "HTTP Version Not Supported": "HTTP Version Not Supported", "I'm a teapot": "I'm a teapot", "If you did not create an account, no further action is required.": "If you did not create an account, no further action is required.", "If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.": "If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.", "If you're having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\ninto your web browser:": "If you're having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\ninto your web browser:", "IM Used": "IM Used", "Image": "Image", "Impersonate": "Impersonate", "Impersonation": "Impersonation", "Import": "Import", "Import :name": "Import :name", "Insufficient Storage": "Insufficient Storage", "Internal Server Error": "Internal Server Error", "Introduction": "Introduction", "Invalid JSON was returned from the route.": "Invalid JSON was returned from the route.", "Invalid SSL Certificate": "Invalid SSL Certificate", "Length Required": "Length Required", "Like": "Like", "Load": "Load", "Localize": "Localize", "Location": "Location", "Locked": "Locked", "Log In": "Log In", "Log Out": "Log Out", "Login": "Login", "Logout": "Logout", "Loop Detected": "Loop Detected", "Maintenance Mode": "Maintenance Mode", "Method Not Allowed": "Method Not Allowed", "Misdirected Request": "Misdirected Request", "Moved Permanently": "Moved Permanently", "Multi-Status": "Multi-Status", "Multiple Choices": "Multiple Choices", "Network Authentication Required": "Network Authentication Required", "Network Connect Timeout Error": "Network Connect Timeout Error", "Network Read Timeout Error": "Network Read Timeout Error", "New": "New", "New :name": "New :name", "No": "No", "No Content": "No Content", "Non-Authoritative Information": "Non-Authoritative Information", "Not Acceptable": "Not Acceptable", "Not Extended": "Not Extended", "Not Found": "Not Found", "Not Implemented": "Not Implemented", "Not Modified": "Not Modified", "of": "of", "OK": "OK", "Open": "Open", "Open in a current window": "Open in a current window", "Open in a new window": "Open in a new window", "Open in a parent frame": "Open in a parent frame", "Open in the topmost frame": "Open in the topmost frame", "Open on the website": "Open on the website", "Origin Is Unreachable": "Origin Is Unreachable", "Page Expired": "Page Expired", "Pagination Navigation": "Pagination Navigation", "Partial Content": "Partial Content", "Payload Too Large": "Payload Too Large", "Payment Required": "Payment Required", "Permanent Redirect": "Permanent Redirect", "Please click the button below to verify your email address.": "Please click the button below to verify your email address.", "Precondition Failed": "Precondition Failed", "Precondition Required": "Precondition Required", "Preview": "Preview", "Price": "Price", "Processing": "Processing", "Proxy Authentication Required": "Proxy Authentication Required", "Railgun Error": "Railgun Error", "Range Not Satisfiable": "Range Not Satisfiable", "Record": "Record", "Regards": "Regards", "Register": "Register", "Request Header Fields Too Large": "Request Header Fields Too Large", "Request Timeout": "Request Timeout", "Reset Content": "Reset Content", "Reset Password": "Reset Password", "Reset Password Notification": "Reset Password Notification", "Restore": "Restore", "Restore :name": "Restore :name", "results": "results", "Retry With": "Retry With", "Save": "Save", "Save & Close": "Save & Close", "Save & Return": "Save & Return", "Save :name": "Save :name", "Search": "Search", "Search :name": "Search :name", "See Other": "See Other", "Select": "Select", "Select All": "Select All", "Send": "Send", "Server Error": "Server Error", "Service Unavailable": "Service Unavailable", "Session Has Expired": "Session Has Expired", "Settings": "Settings", "Show": "Show", "Show :name": "Show :name", "Show All": "Show All", "Showing": "Showing", "Sign In": "Sign In", "Solve": "Solve", "SSL Handshake Failed": "SSL Handshake Failed", "Start": "Start", "Stop": "Stop", "Submit": "Submit", "Subscribe": "Subscribe", "Switch": "Switch", "Switch To Role": "Switch To Role", "Switching Protocols": "Switching Protocols", "Tag": "Tag", "Tags": "Tags", "Temporary Redirect": "Temporary Redirect", "The given data was invalid.": "The given data was invalid.", "The response is not a streamed response.": "The response is not a streamed response.", "The response is not a view.": "The response is not a view.", "This action is unauthorized.": "This action is unauthorized.", "This password reset link will expire in :count minutes.": "This password reset link will expire in :count minutes.", "to": "to", "Toggle navigation": "Toggle navigation", "Too Early": "Too Early", "Too Many Requests": "Too Many Requests", "Translate": "Translate", "Translate It": "Translate It", "Unauthorized": "Unauthorized", "Unavailable For Legal Reasons": "Unavailable For Legal Reasons", "Unknown Error": "Unknown Error", "Unpack": "Unpack", "Unprocessable Entity": "Unprocessable Entity", "Unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe", "Unsupported Media Type": "Unsupported Media Type", "Up": "Up", "Update": "Update", "Update :name": "Update :name", "Upgrade Required": "Upgrade Required", "URI Too Long": "URI Too Long", "Use Proxy": "Use Proxy", "User": "User", "Variant Also Negotiates": "Variant Also Negotiates", "Verify Email Address": "Verify Email Address", "View": "View", "View :name": "View :name", "Web Server is Down": "Web Server is Down", "Whoops!": "Whoops!", "Yes": "Yes", "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.", "Sign in to our platform": "Sign in to our platform", "Your Email": "Your Email", "Your Password": "Your Password", "Remember me": "Remember me", "Sign in": "Sign in", "My Profile": "My Profile", "Hello": "Hello", "Create a website for the project": "Create a website
for the project", "Sign Out": "Sign Out", "Profile saved successfully": "Profile saved successfully", "The password has been changed": "The password has been changed", "Default": "default", "The settings have been saved": "The settings have been saved", "Access is denied": "Access is denied!", "Do you want to delete?": "Do you want to delete?", "The group was successfully created": "The group was successfully created", "The group was successfully updated": "The group was successfully updated", "The group has been deleted": "The group has been deleted", "The user was successfully created": "The user was successfully created", "The user was successfully updated": "The user was successfully updated", "The user has been deleted": "The user has been deleted", "example:": "example:", "or": "or", "The project was successfully created": "The project was successfully created", "The project was successfully updated": "The project was successfully updated", "The project has been deleted": "The project has been deleted", "Languages": "Languages", "Add language": "Add language", "There was an error adding a language": "There was an error adding a language", "Select images": "Select images", "loading": "loading", "Project information has been successfully updated": "Project information has been successfully updated", "in all languages": "in all languages", "The link was successfully created": "The link was successfully created", "The link was successfully updated": "The link was successfully updated", "The link has been deleted": "The link has been deleted", "Language not found": "Language not found", "Project not found": "Project not found", "Documentation not found": "Documentation not found", "Translations successfully updated": "Translations successfully updated", "allowed characters:": "allowed characters:", "Documentation version created successfully": "Documentation version created successfully", "Documentation version updated successfully": "Documentation version updated successfully", "Documentation version successfully removed": "Documentation version successfully removed", "List": "List", "Documentation created successfully": "Documentation created successfully", "Documentation updated successfully": "Documentation updated successfully", "Documentation successfully removed": "Documentation successfully removed", "Category successfully created": "Category successfully created", "Category updated successfully": "Category updated successfully", "Category successfully deleted": "Category successfully deleted", "Old Files deleted": "Old Files deleted", "Automatic translation": "Automatic translation", "The settings were saved successfully": "The settings were saved successfully", "Category not found": "Category not found" }