This commit adds a check to the `destroy` method in the `CaptchaTokenService`. It uses the `Helpers::isDemoModeAndUserDenyUpdate` function to prevent users from deleting tokens while the application is in demo mode. This was added to protect the application's state during presentations or demos.
Added functionalities to restrict certain user operations like update, password change, and deletion in demo mode. This is done to prevent demo users from modifying crucial data. Helper methods are created for standard re-usable checks. Also, Blade directive is added for frontend UI demo checks.
Added a new CryptographyContract interface and CryptographyString class that implements this contract. The CryptographyContract encapsulates the encryption and decryption of strings, enforcing these operations to be standardized across the application. The CryptographyString class uses Laravel's native crypt facades to perform these actions. In the AppServiceProvider, CryptographyContract is now bound to CryptographyString class, allowing the container to automatically resolve the dependencies wherever the interface is type hinted.