A new 'locale' field of string type with a maximum length of 2 characters and a default value as 'ru' has been added to the users table through a migration file. This field has been also added to the User model. The addition of the 'locale' field will allow users to specify their preferred language in their profile settings.
2023-06-29 00:06:27 +06:00 |
Enforce strict types and final class in User model.
2023-06-28 23:46:16 +06:00 |
Additional fields 'is_active' and 'timezone' have been added to the users table in the database migrations and the User model. This update allows us to better manage user's activation status and time zone preferences. 'is_active' field, a boolean field, signifies the active status of a user and has been set to default to false. 'timezone', an optional string, will store user's preferred timezone.
2023-06-28 23:44:06 +06:00 |
Add SoftDeletes feature to User model.
2023-06-28 23:05:31 +06:00 |
Install Laravel.
2023-03-05 20:14:04 +06:00 |