Leonid Nikitin ebc2dfd944
Update copyright link in footer.
The copyright link in the footer of the private layout app has been updated in this revision. Previously, it was pointing to a Github account, kor-elf. It is now pointing to the actual repository, which now resides on git.kor-elf.net. In addition to this, the full name of the owner, Leonid Nikitin (kor-elf), has been added for better transparency and clarity.
2023-12-04 22:46:37 +06:00

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@includeWhen($errors->any(), 'private.layout._errors', ['errors' => $errors->all()])
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<p class="mb-0 text-center text-lg-start">Copyright © 2023-<span class="current-year"></span> <a href="https://git.kor-elf.net/kor-elf/" target="_blank" class="text-gray-700">Leonid Nikitin (kor-elf)</a></p>
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<a class="text-gray-700 fw-normal" href="https://themesberg.com/product/admin-dashboard/volt-bootstrap-5-dashboard" target="_blank">Volt - Bootstrap 5 Dashboard Template</a>