Leonid Nikitin b7d0a2453e
Moved from "app/src" to "app/application".
Otherwise phpstorm doesn't understand the paths correctly. He thinks that this is not a complete application, but a package. And when creating a class, the namespace indicates “app” with a small letter, but should be “App”.
2024-04-11 19:52:37 +05:00

56 lines
3.7 KiB

<li @class([
'active' => request()->route()->named('admin.home')
<a href="{{ route('admin.home') }}" class="nav-link">
<span class="sidebar-icon">
<svg class="icon icon-xs me-2" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path d="M2 10a8 8 0 018-8v8h8a8 8 0 11-16 0z"></path><path d="M12 2.252A8.014 8.014 0 0117.748 8H12V2.252z"></path></svg>
<span class="sidebar-text">{{ __('admin-sections.Dashboard') }}</span>
@can('viewAny', \App\Models\Project::class)
<li @class([
'active' => request()->route()->named('admin.projects.*'),
<a href="{{ route('admin.projects.index') }}" class="nav-link">
<span class="sidebar-icon">
<svg class="icon icon-xs me-2" data-slot="icon" fill="none" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true">
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M2.25 7.125C2.25 6.504 2.754 6 3.375 6h6c.621 0 1.125.504 1.125 1.125v3.75c0 .621-.504 1.125-1.125 1.125h-6a1.125 1.125 0 0 1-1.125-1.125v-3.75ZM14.25 8.625c0-.621.504-1.125 1.125-1.125h5.25c.621 0 1.125.504 1.125 1.125v8.25c0 .621-.504 1.125-1.125 1.125h-5.25a1.125 1.125 0 0 1-1.125-1.125v-8.25ZM3.75 16.125c0-.621.504-1.125 1.125-1.125h5.25c.621 0 1.125.504 1.125 1.125v2.25c0 .621-.504 1.125-1.125 1.125h-5.25a1.125 1.125 0 0 1-1.125-1.125v-2.25Z"></path>
<span class="sidebar-text">{{ __('admin-sections.Projects') }}</span>
@can('viewAny', \App\Models\User::class)
<li @class([
'active' => request()->route()->named('admin.users.*'),
<a href="{{ route('admin.users.index') }}" class="nav-link">
<span class="sidebar-icon">
<svg class="icon icon-xs me-2" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M15 14s1 0 1-1-1-4-5-4-5 3-5 4 1 1 1 1h8Zm-7.978-1A.261.261 0 0 1 7 12.996c.001-.264.167-1.03.76-1.72C8.312 10.629 9.282 10 11 10c1.717 0 2.687.63 3.24 1.276.593.69.758 1.457.76 1.72l-.008.002a.274.274 0 0 1-.014.002H7.022ZM11 7a2 2 0 1 0 0-4 2 2 0 0 0 0 4Zm3-2a3 3 0 1 1-6 0 3 3 0 0 1 6 0ZM6.936 9.28a5.88 5.88 0 0 0-1.23-.247A7.35 7.35 0 0 0 5 9c-4 0-5 3-5 4 0 .667.333 1 1 1h4.216A2.238 2.238 0 0 1 5 13c0-1.01.377-2.042 1.09-2.904.243-.294.526-.569.846-.816ZM4.92 10A5.493 5.493 0 0 0 4 13H1c0-.26.164-1.03.76-1.724.545-.636 1.492-1.256 3.16-1.275ZM1.5 5.5a3 3 0 1 1 6 0 3 3 0 0 1-6 0Zm3-2a2 2 0 1 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0-4Z"/></svg>
<span class="sidebar-text">{{ __('admin-sections.Users') }}</span>
@can('viewAny', \App\Models\Role::class)
<li @class([
'active' => request()->route()->named('admin.roles.*'),
<a href="{{ route('admin.roles.index') }}" class="nav-link">
<span class="sidebar-icon">
<svg class="icon icon-xs me-2" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path d="M9 2a1 1 0 000 2h2a1 1 0 100-2H9z"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M4 5a2 2 0 012-2 3 3 0 003 3h2a3 3 0 003-3 2 2 0 012 2v11a2 2 0 01-2 2H6a2 2 0 01-2-2V5zm3 4a1 1 0 000 2h.01a1 1 0 100-2H7zm3 0a1 1 0 000 2h3a1 1 0 100-2h-3zm-3 4a1 1 0 100 2h.01a1 1 0 100-2H7zm3 0a1 1 0 100 2h3a1 1 0 100-2h-3z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>
<span class="sidebar-text">{{ __('admin-sections.User group') }}</span>