98 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Added the ability to enable captcha when logging in. 2024-04-25 23:45:07 +05:00
Updated Laravel to 11. 2024-04-25 20:58:52 +05:00
I returned the LICENSE.md file back. 2024-04-25 20:07:13 +05:00
Changed the project structure. 2024-04-25 19:56:34 +05:00
Update README.md.
Fixed link to JavaScript GUI repository.
2023-12-13 23:27:45 +06:00
Fix https on prod.
Added the force_https parameter to env APP_FORCE_HTTPS. This will force https to be enabled.
2023-12-09 00:55:56 +06:00
I added (int) to the configuration in the parameters, where we get the numbers through the env function. 2023-12-09 00:54:12 +06:00
Update README with project specifics.
The README file has been updated to provide specific details about the current project.
2023-12-08 21:15:51 +06:00
Add Docker setup for production environment. 2023-12-08 21:10:31 +06:00
Add demo mode restriction to CaptchaToken destroy method.
This commit adds a check to the `destroy` method in the `CaptchaTokenService`. It uses the `Helpers::isDemoModeAndUserDenyUpdate` function to prevent users from deleting tokens while the application is in demo mode. This was added to protect the application's state during presentations or demos.
2023-12-05 21:48:02 +06:00
Add license information for captcha backgrounds. 2023-12-05 21:01:49 +06:00
Add demo mode restrictions to user operations.
Added functionalities to restrict certain user operations like update, password change, and deletion in demo mode. This is done to prevent demo users from modifying crucial data. Helper methods are created for standard re-usable checks. Also, Blade directive is added for frontend UI demo checks.
2023-12-05 00:53:04 +06:00
Update copyright link in footer.
The copyright link in the footer of the private layout app has been updated in this revision. Previously, it was pointing to a Github account, kor-elf. It is now pointing to the actual repository, which now resides on git.kor-elf.net. In addition to this, the full name of the owner, Leonid Nikitin (kor-elf), has been added for better transparency and clarity.
2023-12-04 22:46:37 +06:00
Add captcha code integration instructions to edit page.
In the captcha tokens edit page, a new section has been added to provide instructions for integrating the captcha code in user's website. This aims to facilitate ease of integration for users, by providing them a readily available code snippet.
2023-12-04 22:44:40 +06:00
Added service-captcha-gui. 2023-12-04 22:42:35 +06:00
Added file LICENSE. 2023-12-04 22:41:23 +06:00
Correct typo in swagger.json
Fixed a typo in the 'user_agent' variable of the 'GetCaptchaKeyInfo' object in swagger.json. This was important to rectify in order to achieve accuracy and prevent potential errors during API documentation generation.
2023-12-03 00:57:33 +06:00
Revived API POST /captcha/{captcha_uuid}.
Receiving captcha information for validation.
2023-11-26 22:42:22 +06:00
Fixed a bug where two identical symbols appeared in a captcha.
The commit fixes an issue where wrong variable was passed as second argument to randomSymbols method. Previously it was using an uninitialized variable 'fakes' which was supposed to be populated by 'success' variable. The 'success' variable already has the set of valid symbols which should be used to generate fake symbols for captcha.
2023-11-26 15:25:36 +06:00
Revived API POST /api/v1/captcha.
Captcha validation has been adjusted.
2023-11-26 15:09:42 +06:00
Increase captcha image dimensions
The dimensions for both the 'image_head' and 'image_body' captcha images have been increased to provide a clearer and more readable captcha for users. 'Image_head' has been updated from 150x40 to 500x75, and 'image_body' from 300x240 to 500x500.
2023-11-23 00:26:47 +06:00
Removed unnecessary copying in Docker for development. 2023-09-19 17:26:26 +06:00
Add CaptchaToken to permissions language files
This commit adds 'CaptchaToken' key to both English and Russian versions of the permissions language files. The addition of the 'CaptchaToken' key was necessary to provide translations for tokens used in captcha creation. The lack of these labels was causing readability issues in UI.
2023-09-19 15:19:48 +06:00
Add CryptographyContract and its implementation
Added a new CryptographyContract interface and CryptographyString class that implements this contract. The CryptographyContract encapsulates the encryption and decryption of strings, enforcing these operations to be standardized across the application. The CryptographyString class uses Laravel's native crypt facades to perform these actions. In the AppServiceProvider, CryptographyContract is now bound to CryptographyString class, allowing the container to automatically resolve the dependencies wherever the interface is type hinted.
2023-09-19 14:29:01 +06:00
Revived API /api/v1/captcha.
Now a new captcha is created to check for a bot.
2023-09-19 14:27:33 +06:00
The return comment of the getCoordinators method has been changed. 2023-09-19 14:21:56 +06:00
Remove commented volumes from docker-compose.yml.
The lines setting up volumes for the 'swagger' service were commented out and redundant, leading to potential confusion. This commit removes those lines to clean up and simplify the file.
2023-08-27 22:25:09 +06:00
Rename parameter names in Swagger API documentation.
In our Swagger API documentation, the parameter names 'public_token' and 'private_token' have been renamed to match our established naming conventions. The hyphenated form ('public-token' and 'private-token') is more consistent with other parameters.
2023-08-23 23:45:57 +06:00
Update swagger.json for accurate API path.
The "servers" section was deleted and the "/api/v1" part was added to "paths" values for a more refined URL structure. This change makes it more clear that the API version is part of the API route.
2023-08-23 21:56:06 +06:00
Add Swagger API documentation and proxy routing.
Added Swagger as a new service in the docker-compose file for generating the API documentation. The new API documentation is provided via an OpenAPI file located at `public/swagger.json`. Changes in routing were done to handle /api-docs requests and redirect them to the running Swagger UI instance. This will make API easier to understand and debug.
2023-08-23 01:02:56 +06:00
Add captcha tokens management. 2023-08-22 00:15:35 +06:00
The refactoring added final readonly to App\Services\Role\BuilderCommand. 2023-08-01 23:43:03 +06:00
Fixed warning in analysis PHP Storm. 2023-08-01 23:40:10 +06:00
Fixed warning in analysis PHP Storm. 2023-08-01 23:38:09 +06:00
Removed duplicate "Toggle Navigation" keys in languages. 2023-08-01 23:36:16 +06:00
Added @can('delete', $role). 2023-08-01 22:09:39 +06:00
Added method getRolesForSelect in the RoleRepository. 2023-08-01 22:09:06 +06:00
Fixed typo deleting RolePolicy: Role to role. 2023-08-01 22:07:47 +06:00
Added the ability to manage users. 2023-08-01 22:04:35 +06:00
Added @canany(['create', 'update'], $role) to resources/views/private/roles/_from.blade.php. 2023-08-01 21:53:07 +06:00
Added the ability to manage a group of users. 2023-07-16 19:21:09 +06:00
Added a new function 'errors' in Private Controller to handle service errors. This function checks if the resulted error code matches HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY and in that case, it redirects back with input and errors. For any other case, it aborts with the resulted error code and message. The main purpose of this change is to centralize error handling in one place and make the controller's actions cleaner. 2023-07-12 23:44:53 +06:00
Refactor Role.php for improved code clarity.
The Role class in app/Models has been refactored to improve readability and maintainability. The 'slug' field was replaced with 'code' for consistency with the rest of the codebase. In addition, the 'isRemove' and 'isAdmin' methods were rewritten using new 'Attribute' Eloquent cast. This refactor enhances the code's clarity, promotes better comprehension, and clears redundant code comments.
2023-07-12 23:42:29 +06:00
Added click confirmation script. 2023-07-12 23:31:20 +06:00
Add @stack('scripts') to main layout. 2023-07-12 23:23:51 +06:00
The color of the links in the footer was changed from primary (probably blue) to gray-700 (dark gray) to improve readability against the white background. The change affects the link to the author's Github page and the link to the Volt - Bootstrap 5 Dashboard Template product page. 2023-07-12 22:53:27 +06:00
Update primary color variable in SCSS. 2023-07-12 22:52:29 +06:00
Renamed the "slug" field in the roles table to "code" to facilitate coding standards and improve readability. This unique identifier will now be referred to as 'code' across the application, creating consistency and reducing potential confusion in the future.
!!! Since the project has not yet been launched, therefore, I do not create a new migration, but change the current one. !!!
2023-07-12 22:30:05 +06:00
Adjusted padding in sidebar for large screens. 2023-07-10 23:12:38 +06:00
A new middleware UserLocale.php has been added. This middleware sets the language locale based on each user's preference. It operates by checking if the user's preferred language is set during the request cycle and if so, it changes the app's locale accordingly. This feature facilitates personalization by displaying the app in a user's preferred language.
Also, registering the middleware in the `Kernel.php` allows it to be used throughout the application
2023-07-10 21:44:00 +06:00